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How to find your style

photography tips Mar 05, 2021

I received a heartfelt message from one of my students, Harmony, sharing her struggles in finding her own style.



Looking back on my own journey to find my style, I can relate to those challenges deeply. It wasn't an easy path, but it was undoubtedly a journey of growth—one I'd like to share with you.

In the past, I found myself caught up in following trends and emulating successful photographers. My clients were happy, and my sales reflected that, averaging around $1800 per session.



However, despite this success, I started to lose my passion for the art I was creating. It wasn't that I didn't love baby photography anymore; rather, I felt a lack of connection and authenticity in my work.

I realized I was merely imitating others' styles.

I feared standing out, being different.

I questioned myself constantly: What is my own style? What does success mean to me? How do I want to express myself artistically?

I asked myself,

"Why do I love creating photos?",

"What inspires me and touches my heart?", and

"How do I see beauty in people's lives?"

I looked back at the photographs I created before I compared myself with others... before I was scared to be different and be judged by others.



In those images, I found the essence of my passion—the ability to convey love, joy, and emotion authentically.

It is simple and real! It is powerful! It is ME!

With newfound clarity, I made a conscious decision to change my style overnight. I wanted to create art and run a business that is truly aligned with my heart, passion, and purpose.



Was I scared? Absolutely!

But despite the fear and uncertainty that came along with this decision, I knew it was essential for my growth as an artist.

What if my clients didn't resonate with my new direction?

What if I lost business because of it?

What if they think my photos are too simple and not trendy?

These questions plagued me, but I forged ahead, determined to stay true to my passion.

Embracing my unique style allowed me to stand out, attract my ideal clients, and, most importantly, reconnect with my passion for photography.

Today, my students now travel from far and wide to my little island to learn from me, inspired by my journey to authenticity and eager to embark on their own paths and create their own style.


@2020 Shan Fisher Photography


The point is not to focus on which style is better. The key is to know what inspires you personally. Whether it's props, colors, fabrics, or something entirely different, the goal is to create from the heart, letting your unique voice shine through.

In sharing my story, I've learned a valuable lesson. You have to be true to yourself! You are your own person in this world and no one can replace you!

I can't wait to see you embrace your own style and share your unique voice with the world. Remember, you are one-of-a-kind, and there's no greater gift than expressing that through your art.

Much love,

Shan x

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